
             E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the internet. These business transactions occur either as business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), consumer-to-consumer or consumer-to-business.

Understanding E-commerce

             Ecommerce is the process of buying and selling tangible products and services online. It involves more than one party along with the exchange of data or currency to process a transaction. It is part of the greater industry that is known as electronic business (ebusiness), which involves all of the processes required to run a company online.
Ecommerce has helped businesses (especially those with a narrow reach like small businesses) gain access to and establish a wider market presence by providing cheaper and more efficient distribution channels for their products or services. Target (TGT) supplemented its brick-and-mortar presence with an online store that allows customers to purchase everything from clothes and coffeemakers to toothpaste and action figures right from their homes.

E-commerce applications

             Many retail e-commerce apps use online marketing techniques to get customers to use the platform. These include email, online catalogs and shopping carts, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), file transfer protocol, web services and mobile applications. These approaches are used in B2C and B2B activities, as well as other types of outreach. They include emailing targeted ads and e-newsletters to subscribers and sending SMS texts to mobile devices. Sending unsolicited emails and texts is generally considered spam. More companies now try to entice consumers online, using tools such as digital coupons, social media marketing and targeted advertisements.

Customer Promotion index and satisfaction

             Customers today expect consistency in services across channels. As such, anticipating customer expectations and enhancing customer satisfaction are the two main challenges that businesses face today. icloudaspire, through its comprehensive portfolio of customer satisfaction analytics solutions, can help you create a seamless customer experience and enhance customer satisfaction within a stipulated deadline. With a proven track record and years of expertise in designing and delivering customized customer satisfaction analytics solutions, our robust customer segmentation frameworks ensure you gain in-depth insight into your customers’ needs and behavior. Our innovative, analytics-driven approach also helps clients better understand their customers by tracking key metrics that impact customer satisfaction rates, including churn drivers, customer service experiences, and sales campaign success.

             Without comprehensive views on business growth, customer journeys, cash-flows, customer experience, and customer purchasing behavior, it’s nearly impossible for businesses to achieve their end-goals. Calculating the net promotion index can help businesses gain insights into customer experience and gauge their marketing campaigns’ effectiveness. Businesses can also use the net promotion index to strengthen customer relationships, provide tangible value propositions throughout the customer journey, and deliver an experience that resonates with their customers’ needs and preferences. At icloudaspire, we adopt a comprehensive approach to net promoter index calculation, one that leverages advanced analytics and cross-platform customer insights. We also offer end-to-end solutions around customer experience management by complementing the net promoter index with insights from various points along the customer journey.